Public Hunter has roots that stretch deep into the remote swamplands of the Big Thicket National Preserve here in East Texas. This land is iconic to not only this region but our family as well, its where me and my brother cut our teeth chasing cat squirrels through some of the thickest palmetto swamps Texas has to offer, some might say Florida would be jealous.



Its here where it all began for me, me at 4 him at 8 years old. There with our Dad at the base of a hundred year old hardwood tree. We would sit for what seemed like hours waiting to catch some brief movement in the canopy overhead. Just us three enjoying time together as a family, looking for tonight's meal. Had it not been for the availability of this great place to hunt, my life may have been a very different story.



Our goals are simple; to use Education and Information to establish a new era sportsmen and women. Started as just an idea, now an apparel company working on the framework to become a technology company. In The following year we will unfold several projects to help others locate and enjoy the amazing Public Hunting opportunities that exist throughout the US.



We hope you made it this far and appreciate you taking your time to learn more about us and hope you stay tuned for what's ahead in 2021.